Where will your studies take you?

Every year, our search engine helps over 8 million students find, compare, and connect with some of the best universities and schools around the world. Start your search today!

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You too can qualify for tuition-free Scholarship

Scholarship Center

We have over 100+ Available Scholarships from various schools. We’ve compiled the list of schools available for international students like you!

Serious about getting started?

Getting started is as simple as ABC. We have cut down all formalities, middlemen, & unnecessary costs through our systems.

Read our

Step 1 - Analyze, Pick & Check

Choose from the countless number of options, like the choice, of course, you want to study, available programs available, type of school, location of choice of school & much other necessary information. You can call us for a proper guide on how to go about this.

Step 2 - Purchase Student Invitation Package

Order the Student Invitation Package on our website which goes for €500.
Click Here to place order

Useful Links & Resources

Step 3 - Attach & Send Documents

After a successful order of the Student Invitation Package, compile, scan & send all the necessary documents to [email protected].

You can Check the list below for the required Documents.
(a) Valid International Passport (b) School Qualification Docs (c) amidst others.
Our admission expert shall communicate with you furthermore.

Need more Information?

Talk to an educational expert about our Study in Europe Package.

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Austria at +4366 49320 2137.

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Refund Policy

We run a swift & vast operation, so we advise you read our Disclaimer, Eligibility Status, Terms of Service, & Privacy Policy to ensure we are on the same page as our Refund Policy only accounts for 20% of the paid amount if all conditions are not met.

Let your mind be at rest, we’ve had 0% refunds in the past 6 years.

Eligibility Status
